Biker Films --The Wild One ( 1953)

Biker Films --The Wild One (1953) 

and the Real Life Hollister Riot

                In 1966, Roger Corman, often known as king of the B-movies, released “Wild Angels,” a low budget, exploitation film starring Peter Fonda and Nancy Sinatra that offered a sensationalized image of life among the Hells Angels outlaw motorcycle gang. For the next ten years, more or less, “Biker Films” were a staple of the drive-in or urban “grindhouse” theaters where audiences would gather seeking cheap thrills and a break from the tension of ordinary life.

                But some would argue that “Wild Angels” was not the first outlaw biker film, but instead the 1953 film, The Wild One started the genre. Loosely based and highly fictionalized, the film is based on an event called “The Hollister Riot,” an incident where a large group of motorcycle enthusiasts, many recently returned World War Two combat veterans, gathered in the town of Hollister, California and the group became out of control. For those interested in learning more about the actual history of the event, I’ve included some links below.
“The Wild One” is a 1953 film starring Marlon Brando. Should it be considered as the first real biker film? Some say yes, others say no. They argue that the genre began in the 1960s and this is merely an outlier, a curiosity that is not really part of the genre.
                As for me, I don’t really consider it part of the genre, but I do think any good discussion of biker films must, nevertheless, discuss this film or be painfully incomplete. And therefore, WITH SOME SPOILERS, I offer my thoughts on The Wild One and why I think it does not really belong as part of the genre.
                First, The Wild One was intended as a drama, not an action film. The main character, Johnny Strabler, portrayed by the talented actor Marlon Brando is arguable portrayed as an unhappy outsider. While in many ways, handsome and radiating a certain “bad boy charisma,” as the film goes on, he begins to appear increasingly broken. What he clearly wants is a real relationship with Kathie Bleeker, the town police officer’s daughter who works at the restaurant, a character portrayed by the very beautiful but not nearly as well known actress Mary Murphy. At several points in the film, he clearly wishes to say things to her, express emotions, but he just doesn’t seem to know how. As this goes on during the film, as he tries to connect with Bleeker, the gang of rowdies that follow him, became less of an asset and more of an embarrassment and hindrance that increase the gulf between him and Kathie Bleeker, the woman he wishes to connect with. Meanwhile, he rejects the offer of a relationship from “Britches,” (played by Yvonne Doughty) an old flame from the old biker gang, clearly showing that this is not the kind of woman he wants despite it clearly being the kind of woman he could easily have, and as the dialogue indicates, did have a relationship with in the past. What he wants, a relationship with Kathie Bleeker, is something that becomes increasingly obvious that he just does not know how to pursue and obtain despite some initial interest from Kathie Bleeker when the handsome, outlaw leader first enters town and enters her restaurant and her life. Near the end, he finds himself mobbed and captured by angry townspeople who hold him in a chair and begin punching him. His response to being punched, “My old man hit me harder than that.” He is a character who doesn’t know how to get what he wants, not just rejected by the woman he wants but not even sure how he should go about establishing a link with her.
                By contrast, if one watches the later film, “Wild Angels,” Peter Fonda’s character, a character named “Heavenly Blues,” itself a stark contrast to the name “Johnny Strabler” (who, if given the choice, would prefer to be known as “Johnny Strabler” when you could be called “Heavenly Blues”?) knows exactly what he wants. He wants to be free, to ride, to get loaded, as the famous quote goes, and throughout the film, he does that. And who does he want to be with, romantically speaking? Why Nancy Sinatra’s character, “Mike.” Does he get to spend time with her? Definitely, and when the relationship starts to get complicated, well, he just tells her, “You talk too much,” and kisses her and she’s quite happy with that behavior. Perhaps a bit confused as to what he really wants at the end of the film, but, basically a happy guy who appears to be living the weird life he has chosen for himself.
                Meanwhile, back in The Wild One, we see the members of the BRMC (or “Black Rebel Motorcycle Club” ) entering town, causing trouble, being out of control, but in the end being chased out of town by a mob of angry townspeople and the police who show up from nowhere to restore law and order. Not exactly the most threatening image of outlaws ever portrayed. The gang is almost peripheral to the story and, as stated above, by the time the true drama develops, what is going to happen between the male and female lead in the story, the gang is a hindrance, not an asset in the protagonist getting what he wants in life and in the story.
                Ultimately The Wild One is a very good film, well worth watching. However, it did not start the later “biker film” fad that came about ten years later and, in my opinion, should not be seen as part of that genre.

 Additional Reading on the 1947 Hollister Riot

Capulli, Sarah. 2002. Hollister California: Birthplace of the American Biker.
Senior Project, California State University Monterey Bay.

McBee, Randy. “Here’s Hoping the ‘Hound’ and His Friends had a Good Time”: The Hollister Gypsy Tour of 1947 and the rise of the “Outlaw” Motorcyclist. International Journal of Motorcycle Studies. Volume 11, Issue 1: Spring 2015

Holland, Sarah L. ““Impromptu Fiesta” or “Havoc in Hollister”: A Seventy-Year Retrospective.” International Journal of Motorcycle Studies. Volume 14 | 2018


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25/28mm American Revolutionary War British Army

Greetings. I admit I have been neglecting this blog the past month. Why? I've been living in a historical time, coping with the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020. Hopefully by the time you read this, you will be sitting comfortably someplace among a group of friendly people, chatting about perhaps starting a Covid-19 re-enactors group where you can all put homemade masks over your faces and dress up with bad haircuts and such and march around with large packages of toilet paper and such under your arms, telling eager tourists about life during the pandemic, way back when. But as for me, I am doing fine, working from home at a thankless job, and, like all around me, coping.

But I'm back for the moment and hope you will take a moment to not just look at this page, but browse a bit, follow the search links, and see what else is here too. The more people who view more pages, the more motivated I will feel to blog in the future. And I have more wargaming and non-wargaming posts I hope to write and share.

An overview of my British army. Five single battalion line regiments, four artillery pieces, a half dozen figures representing dismounted soldiers of the 16th regiment of light dragoons, a half dozen more representing mounted soldiers of the 17th regiment of light dragoons (both regiments were a mix of mounted and dismounted soldiers), a separate composite unit of six grenadier figures, a separate composite unit of five pioneer figures, one from each regiment, and three mounted officers. 

In the meantime, I finished the core of my British army for wargaming. Auxiliaries, such as loyalists, Germans, and Indian allies will be covered on other pages and some already are, as will be the Americans and perhaps some day other forces too. While I hope to add other units to my British army, this is what I have painted and based so far. I hope you enjoy them. 

A second photo of the army taken from the side.

The units often look a bit odd as the figures are a mix of miniatures produced by different companies and purchased at different times. In the 1980s, this was my first wargame period and I built up British and American forces for the period. These were purchased largely from minifigs (miniature figures ltd) and Custom Cast / Iron Brigade figures. The former have a nice variety of figures and used to be produced in the USA in Pine Plains NY. The latter, honestly, were chosen because my friendly, local game store of the time (Armadillo Games, now much missed) was able to obtain them from their distributor. Units were built as full strength at a scale of 1:50 -one figure represents 50 men- meaning that a full strength British company was usually one man. 

A few years ago I decided to rebuild and refurbish the army, and do so at a 1:20 scale. I made a decision to mostly supplement the old forces with the newer, slightly larger but more detailed, and, honestly, much nicer figures of today unless I somehow was able to offer or find the older ones unpainted easily. (which happened for the Germans, but those aren't painted yet.) Many of these were purchased second hand and came from a variety of manufacturers but Perry Brothers, Old Glory, Front Rank, and old Heritage figures are all mixed in along with some others of unknown origin. The result, admittedly, is a bit odd looking at times but my experience has been that if people are really bothered by this, they most likely are a bit too sensitive and prickly to enjoy gaming with me anyway. 

On the left, one can see a couple of figures from the 17th light dragoons (old minifigs figures) and to the front are the dismounted dragoons of the 16th light dragoons (modern Perry Brothers figures) Behind them are two line regiments, of one battalion each.

My thought at the time was that if the units looked truly odd, I could some day paint a few more British regiments composed of figures from a single manufacturer with a more uniform (no pun intended) look.    

A composite unit of Grenadiers (old Heritage figures) in front of a fortification. Behind the fortification are five pioneers. Each British regiment included a pioneer, a man who was skilled in building things. Old Glory includes a pioneer figure in each British regimental pack they sell and I got these cheap from someone who did not wish them.

Finally, my books . . . 

Yeah, I've written books. Please check them out and see if they interest you.


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