Roman Gladiator Miniature Wargaming figures

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Chief among my writing projects is a Wargamers guide to Roman Gladiator gaming. Therefore expect posts on the subject.

For our first, a quick view some of the figures involved. These figures are generally 28mm tall and were manufactured by either Brigade Games or Crusader miniatures, two of the best manufacturers of historically authentic Roman Gladiator gaming miniatures. 

All figures were painted by me. 

Gladiatorial battles in the arenas of the Roman Empire are an interesting and complex topic. 

Gladiators tended to fit certain "types" and although some variation and creativity was allowed, these types were mandated by law. Furthermore, the crowd and the sponsors knew what they wanted and despite some local and regional variation gladiators tended to fall in certain categories.  

Hoplomachii -a stylized Roman idea of what a Greek warrior should look like. The figure on the left is from Brigade
Games while the two on the right are from Crusader. 

Eques -Gladiators who began their combat on horseback but then dismounted and fought on foot. They were only paired against each other. Figures are from Crusader Miniatures.

Unusual gladiators -on the left we have a pair of Arbelas or Scissors and on the right we have a pair of very heavily armored Crupellarius. In both pairs the figure on the left is from Crusader Miniatures while the one on the right is from Brigade Games.

Thracians -a heavily armored gladiator that was based on the Roman stereotype of a Thracian warrior. The Thracians lived in what is now Bulgaria. Figures are a mix of Crusader and Brigade figures.

Secutores -a heavily armored gladiator who specialized in fighting the retarius,. Again, figures are a mix of Brigade and Crusader Figures.

Dimachaeri -Figures who fought with two swords and no shield. The two on the left are from Crusader and the one on the right is from Wargames Foundry. I am not sure if he is authentic as his face is exposed. Few gladiators fought this way.
Myrmillio -a common type of heavily armored gladiator. A mixture of Crusader and Brigade figures.

Two packs of condemned men from Crusader Miniatures facing a lion from Monday Knight Productions. Not exactly gladiators but part of the millieu.  Romans believed in public punishment and execution.

Spectators, officials, casualties and wounded and defeated gladiators from a variety of manufacturers.

Retarii and Laquearri -these figures came from a variety of sources including some Brigade figures (no Crusader) as well as some bargain bin figures whose origins are completely unknown. A couple came from RAFM who produced a pack of gladiators in 25mm some of whom I question as to their historical accuracy.

Old Minfigs 25mm Gladiators from the 1980s.

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